Kody Kimzey
Sr. Design Specialist
Most of my time outside of work is spent at home, spending time with my beautiful wife and amazing son. I also spend time sawing, screwing, glueing, finishing, etc. different pieces of wood together. Some call it woodworking, I’m just not sure I would call myself a woodworker. It’s a hobby that has turned into a side gig, but my son is at the age where he now is “helping” me when he can which makes it that much more rewarding.
My title at ESC is Sr. Design Specialist and my primary focus is 3D design and layout. I spend most of my time working in a 3D modeling software, but also get to work with 3D point cloud scanning and we are currently bringing our 3D designs to VR. Hard to say where that will go in the next few years, but I am really looking forward to what we can share with our clients soon. I do my level best to keep myself out of 2D AutoCAD, but it always seems to play a role at some point.
It’s hard to say what my absolute favorite moment at ESC has been, but a moment that’s stuck with me happened early on. I was specifically hired to bring 3D modeling and designing to ESC. There had been some small things done in 3D before I started, but I was trying to make it a full part of what we do at ESC. My first significant (in overall size) project was being installed and I was asked to provide pin-point locations on site for the locations of each piece of equipment so that they could be located ahead of bringing in the conveyors that would tie everything together. When all was said and done and we joined one room to another through a hole in the wall with the last piece of conveyor (more than 200 yards worth), we came together with less than 2” of adjustment needed in either direction. It was at that point that I was able to not only get some of my colleges to see the benefits of 3D design, but that’s all that client wanted moving forward.